Legal Notice
www.transbordeur.fr is the official website of the Transbordeur, the concert venue located in Villeurbanne in the Lyon metropolitan area (France). It is owned by the SAS Transmission.
General terms and conditions of use of the website
Transmission has opened www.transbordeur.fr for the personal information of its users. Use of the site is subject to compliance with the legal notices and general terms and conditions of sale detailed below and with all applicable laws. When you access, browse and use the site, you accept without reservation the general conditions and legal notice.
Transmission undertakes to be vigilant regarding the reliability of the information made available to users. However, the company cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or results that may be obtained through inappropriate use of this information.
In the event of a complaint regarding a contribution, the user undertakes to notify us at the following address: infos@transbordeur.fr.
Legale Notice
Transmission – simplified joint stock company
3 Boulevard de la Bataille de Stalingrad – 69100 Villeurbanne – France
Registered with the RCS of Lyon under number 523 675 312 with a share capital of 140 000,00€
Licences : PLATESV-R-2022-001 554 / 555 / 556
Contact : infos@transbordeur.fr
Site published by Transmission, developped and designed by Danka and hosted by Infomaniak.
Editorial team
Website publication director : Cyrille Bonin
Website administration : Lise Epinat
Credits and production
Danka Agency
24 Avenue Joannès
Masset Bâtiment 3
69009 Lyon
Contact : danka@danka.fr
Infomaniak Network SA
Rue Eugène-Marziano 25
1227 Les Acacias (GE)
Contact : https://www.infomaniak.com/fr/aide
Intellectual property
This site constitutes a work of which Transmission is the author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The site was designed and developed by Danka. The photographs, texts, drawings, images, animated sequences and all works integrated into the site are the property of Transmission or of third parties having authorised Transmission to use them.
Reproductions, on a paper or computer medium, of the said site and the works reproduced therein are authorised provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various works that make it up, without having obtained the prior authorisation of Transmission is strictly prohibited.
Internal photo credits
Brice Robert
Romain Etienne / Collectif Item
Jean Granon
Susie Waroude
External links
Links to other private or official French or foreign sites are provided. Their presence does not imply any commitment on the part of Transmission as to their content, and their sole purpose is to make it easier for visitors to find other documentary resources on the subject consulted. These links to external sites systematically open in a different window from the one in which the present site is displayed.
Privacy Policy
You can consult this site without revealing your identity or giving any information about yourself. With a particular concern for transparency and the protection of your rights, Transmission will not obtain any information enabling you to be personally identified, unless you communicate this to us by filling in the forms on the site. The information you provide will be considered confidential and is intended exclusively for Transmission. No external commercial use will be made of the data collected.
The data received from you is collected by Transmission and is used solely to respond to your request for information, in accordance with the RGPD French law. In accordance with Article 39 of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data by contacting us using our dedicated form.
Limitation of Liability
Users use the site at their own risk. Under no circumstances may Transmission be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, and in particular material loss, loss of data or programmes, or financial loss, resulting from access to or use of this site or any sites linked to it. The content of the site is presented without any guarantee whatsoever.
General Terms and Conditions of Sale
Tickets for concerts and events taking place at the Transbordeur are not sold directly on the venue’s website but via external ticketing operators, mainly SeeTickets and Dice. To find out about the General Terms and Conditions of Sale for your tickets, you can go directly to the relevant pages of these ticketing platforms (here for SeeTickets and here for Dice).
In addition to selling tickets for musical events, our website also features a “Shop” section with a selection of books, posters and other products. Details of these products and their prices can be found on the site’s product pages. You can only pay for your purchases by credit card via our website. Except when the venue is closed, your items will be dispatched within a maximum of ten days. Products will not be dispatched during periods when the venue is closed for the year (August and the Christmas school holidays).
In accordance with French law, buyers have the right to cancel their order within 14 days of receiving their product(s). To exercise this right, please contact us at infos@transbordeur.fr.
Transmission acts as an entertainment contractor.
Address : 3 Boulevard de la Bataille de Stalingrad, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Legal representative & Chairman : M. Cyrille Bonin
SIREN number : 523 675 312
Interacommunity VAT : FR77 523 675 312
For all after-sales service requests, please contact us at infos@transbordeur.fr.
Applicable Law
These terms and conditions are governed by French law. The main language of the general terms and conditions and legal notice is French (although an English version is available on this page for your personal information). In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Updating of the general conditions of sale and legal notice
Transmission reserves the right to modify and update these general conditions of sale and legal notices at any time. All rights reserved by Transmission.